PMAG 30 Round Magazine M3, 5.56x45 Magazine – AR15/M16 The next-generation PMAG 30 M3 is a 30-round 5.56x45 NATO (.223 Remington) polymer magazine for AR15/M16 compatible weapons. Along with expanded feature set and compatibility, the M3 incorporates new material technology and manufacturing processes for enhanced strength, durability, and reliability to exceed rigorous military performance specifications. Modified internal and external geometry also permits operation with a wide range of non Colt-spec platforms such as the HK® 416 and MR556A1, M27 IAR, British SA-80, FN® SCAR™ MK 16/16S, and others.
A redesigned bolt catch notch in the rear of the magazine provides increased bolt catch clearance, while an over-travel stop on the spine helps ensure the magazine will not over-insert on compatible weapons. Similar to the standard PMAG 30, the M3 features a long-life stainless steel spring, four-way anti-tilt follower and constant-curve internal geometry for reliable feeding, and simple tool-less disassembly to ease cleaning. Low profile ribs and new aggressive front and rear texture gives positive control of the PMAG 30 M3 in all environments, and a paint pen dot matrix has been added to the bottom panel of the the body to allow easy marking by the end user for magazine identification.
The easy to disassemble standard flared floorplate provides drop protection and aids extraction, but can be replaced by the optional PMAG Ranger Plate for increased handling or slim-line internal floorplate for improved compatibility with most double and triple magazine pouches.
Magpul dust cover sold separately, click here
Made in U.S.A.
ITAR International Traffic in Arms Regulations Controlled Product
Hi-Capacity Magazine Policy: No magazines with a capacity over 10 rounds to CA, CT, HI, IL, MD, MA, NJ, NY, OR, RI, VT or WA. No magazines with a capacity over 12-rounds to Cook County Illinois. No magazines with a capacity over 15 rounds to CO. No magazines with a capacity over 17 rounds to DE. Be sure to check local and state regulations before ordering.